Personal Training Case Study.
Anna Jones “My 8 Week Transformation…..
Fed up of feeling sluggish a little down in myself I took the plunge and signed up for an 8 week programme with the excellent personal trainer Darren.
I had no idea about what to expect so I went along feeling very nervous and anxious for a chat and consultation. wasn’t pleasant being weighed and measured but it certainly got me on the pathway to my success.
It felt so good to even making the first steps to making a change to my life and wellbeing.
The diet plan Darren made for me was not as crazy as I first anticipated and the food was not only really tasty but was built around my day to day lifestyle which is something that really helped stay on track.
As for the training, yes as you can imagine it was tough but after each session I was feeling better and better, both physically and mentally.
A massive thank you to Darren and the team as TPTS Fitness Club, I would recommend anyone else looking to make a change to get in touch with them.
Clean diet/ No Supplements
Personalised training program